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Discover Your RhythmKOLO全球街舞潮流文化社区欢迎你!KOLO致力于为全球街舞爱好者搭建跨地区跨文化的学习交流社区。聚合优质的视频作品,给你视觉的享受和了解街舞的新方式。 街舞大师内容首发,一个大师一个舞台,给你原味及时的内容更新。 街舞爱好者潮流圣地,发现更多和你拥有同样生活方式的伙伴,看见你对街舞的热爱,这里的街舞很真实!世界街舞赛事前瞻,Arena舞朝竞技场 2018官方指定App。全球赛事资讯同步分享,热血就在这一刻。KOLO官网 https://kolo.la Welcome to the global street dance community. KOLO is devoted to creating the best platform for street dance fans around the world to connect, share and learn about street dance. It is the place to find the best dance videos and connect to the best dancer. It is the place to find original flavor and catch the newest wave.It is the place for global tastemakers and passionate fans to come together with their love of dance. Globally synched, expanding horizons. Awesome dance content from around the world, updated daily.Follow your favorite artists and discover new ones. See exclusive releases, stay up-to-date on whats happening in the street dance scene. Have fun with other dancers and fans. The place to link together all of the people in your dance life. Thanks for using KOLO.