Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri Mantra安卓版介绍
This divine application dedicated to the devotees of The Supreem Power, Maa GayatriChant the Supreme Gayatri Mantra, incorporated with the teachings and Powers to attain wisdom and self realization. Righteous wisdom starts emerging as soon as Jap of this Mantra is taken up as a Meditation. Meaning of the Gayatri MantraAum = Brahma ;bhoor = embodiment of vital spiritual energy(pran) ;bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings ;swaha = embodiment of happiness ;tat = that ;savitur = bright like sun ;varenyam = best choicest ;bhargo = destroyer of sins ;devasya = divine ;these first nine words describe the glory of Goddheemahi = may imbibe ; pertains to meditationdhiyo = intellect ;yo = who ;naha = our ;prachodayat = may inspire!
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